The Tag Game!

I was invited into a game by Leila from .  Here are the rules :

  1. Post the rules that are a part of this game
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged
  3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post
  4. Let them know you’ve tagged them!


1. Right this moment, are you happy? Why yes/not?

Yes, I am. I have had a very good day and I’m feeling excellent about my life. I just know it’s going to keep getting better

2. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging to help me handle my break up with P. It helped me to realize the effects the relationship had on me.

3. What is your favorite language?

English, because I’m a silly American and that’s the only language I speak.

4. What was the last movie you watched and what did you think about it?

Gosh, I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie. I do believe the last movie I watched was Love And Other Drugs with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. I thought it was a very inspiring move, but very sad. Anne has Parkinson’s, but Jake decides to be with her even though he knows she’s going to die soon.

5. What book has influenced you the most and how?

To be honest, I haven’t really been influenced by any books. I read a lot of Fantasy and Fiction works. The most recent book I’ve read was Inheritance (the 4th Eragon book) and before that I read Game of Thrones. I feel like if I read more non-Fiction I would be more inspired, but I usually like stories to take my mind into another world.

If you could be someone/something for a day, what would you be?

This is probably going to sound weird, but I would want to be P. I want to understand how his mind works. I need to know how he could do something like that.

Do you have a motto?

Make Life Orange.

How old were you when you moved out of your parent’s house?

I was 16. It was when I started school at Penn State.

How would you describe your relationship with your mother in one word?


On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your nose?

6. It’s a little crooked.

If you could live anywhere in the world, in any time in history, where and when would it be?

I would want to experience the Women’s Rights movement in the United States. I imagine that if I lived in that time I would have been a part of it. I’ve always been very outspoken and adamant about equality for everyone.

People I’m Tagging:

A Living Oddity









The Future of Hope

Nick Rolynd

My Questions:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
  4. Facebook or Twitter? Why?
  5. What’s your favorite quote?
  6. What is your ideal career?
  7. Favorite breed of dog?
  8. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  9. What’s your favorite part about yourself?
  10. If you could apologize to anyone who would it be and why?
  11. What’s the  biggest lesson you’ve learned in life?

A Fun Experiment For My Readers

I have reached 100 followers! I’m so happy and grateful to all of you. This blog has really helped me through some tough times. When you factor in the comments, likes and emails I feel like I have a great support system. One of my blogging friends, A Living Oddity, came up with this idea and I thought it was fun so I’m going to play along too. Also, I implore you all to go check out his blog because he has some great writing. Basically, I’d like to know more about my readers. I’m going to ask some questions and I’d be so thrilled if you could answer them in the comment box. You don’t have to be a follower to play along. I’m curious about anyone who stumbles upon my blog. I promise I’ll leave you a reply :).

Here goes:

  1. What’s your name? (If you don’t want to share your real name your username is fine)
  2. How old are you?
  3. What’s your occupation/what do you want to be your future occupation?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Favorite sports team?
  6. The most interesting thing about you.
  7. Are you a dog or a cat person?
  8. What was your first impression of my blog?
  9. What’s one question you’d like to ask me?
  10. How do you feel about your life right now?

Feel free to leave me as long of a reply as you want. I really enjoy reading whatever you guys have to say. I look forward to your comments!

You Play To Win The Game…But What’s The Prize?

D IMed me. I knew it would happen eventually. We talked for about an hour last night. We’re definitely playing a game, and I’m not sure I want to play it anymore. I went out last night, and got home around midnight. That was when we started talking. One of the first questions he asked me was if I started fooling around with someone else. I haven’t. Like I’ve said before I have no interest in complicating my life right now. He also wanted to know why I wasn’t dating someone else. As soon as he seemed satisfied that I had no other men in my life he told me about these two girls he had met. It seemed like he wanted my opinion on the matter, but he also kept insisting that he was only interested in one of them for sex. That doesn’t really bother me, what does bother me is how strange he’s been acting. I get the feeling he’s trying to test me to see how I feel about him with a lot of the questions he asks about me. I don’t like that. I definitely won’t be initiating conversation with him again anytime soon. I have a life here that I need to focus on without being distracted by him and his stupid game.

Maybe I’m a guilty party too. I have made D aware that guys are very interested in me. He is usually quite worried on Sundays, asking me lots of questions about what (or who) I did that weekend. I don’t necessarily want him to be jealous, but I do want him to know I’m not sitting around pining for him. These are psychological mindfuck games we play with each other. I think it’s pretty sadistic, but we all participate in some way. We try and push each other to a breaking point. Whoever breaks first will admit how they feel, put themselves in that vulnerable position no one wants to be in. They are, in some ways, the loser of the game. Their heart is on the table. The other person could very easily smash it to pieces, then turn around and walk out the door. In some ways I think being the loser is very brave. I’m never in that position and I probably never will be. Maybe in some ways that makes me the loser, but my protective instincts are too strong to allow me to lay my heart out like that.

It’s crazy. We fear the honest truth so much that we engage in this activity. This game that could potentially get so toxic that it destroys our relationship with that person forever. Because what happens when either person refuses to say how they feel? You end up with two very unhappy people. Eventually, they begin to associate their unhappiness with each other, ruining something that could have once been beautiful. I’ve already admitted that I’m fully guilty of taking part in this. Are you?