A Question For You All

Last night I was talking to A about the direction I want to take my blog in. I’m certainly not in the same place I was when I began writing it. I do have a lot of the same issues, but they are presenting themselves in different ways. I keep gaining more and more popularity though. It’s nice to know that I’m reaching people. I may be young, but I do feel my words have something to offer. I really appreciate my readers. I would love to know each of you personally, and if you have a story to share please send me an email (MakeLifeOrange@gmail.com) . The path I travel has not been easy, but it is a comfort to know how many people I have supporting me. And since you are all so important I have a question for you, what do you want me to write about? Where do you want me to go with this? I’m open to any suggestions or criticisms. I want to know what you all think about this. Please share anything; I really just desire to know the questions you ask when you read my writing, and what you wish I would write about more.

Blog Commenting Etiquette

Apparently, my post last night pissed some people off. I got my first angry comments. I could tell these people were not regular readers, because I had the option of approving their comments. I could also tell they had not read any of my other posts or tried to understand me at all before spewing their angry words at me.

In my opinion, this is completely inappropriate behavior. If I start reading a blog I disagree with, I move on. I don’t write a book in the comment box cursing at that blogger and attempting to make them feel bad about themselves. That’s not what this community is about. We are here to support each other, not bring each other down. If you do disagree with me, I kindly request that you say so in a mature and appropriate manner. If you state your case, rather then fly into a rage, I might see your point and change my mind.

I did not approve the angry comments, obviously. Initially part of me wanted to write an entire post challenging the things they accused me of. I decided against that though. I am not on here to be judged by the way I live my life. I am on here because I went through some hell, I’m trying to get over it and I want to share my story with as many people as possible. I want to learn from others and help in any way I can. I’m a kind person. I don’t do anything with malicious intent. So I implore you, before you decide to post something angry or cruel on someone else’s blog, read more about them and try to really understand them. I think you’ll change your mind.

A Fun Experiment For My Readers

I have reached 100 followers! I’m so happy and grateful to all of you. This blog has really helped me through some tough times. When you factor in the comments, likes and emails I feel like I have a great support system. One of my blogging friends, A Living Oddity, came up with this idea and I thought it was fun so I’m going to play along too. Also, I implore you all to go check out his blog because he has some great writing. Basically, I’d like to know more about my readers. I’m going to ask some questions and I’d be so thrilled if you could answer them in the comment box. You don’t have to be a follower to play along. I’m curious about anyone who stumbles upon my blog. I promise I’ll leave you a reply :).

Here goes:

  1. What’s your name? (If you don’t want to share your real name your username is fine)
  2. How old are you?
  3. What’s your occupation/what do you want to be your future occupation?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Favorite sports team?
  6. The most interesting thing about you.
  7. Are you a dog or a cat person?
  8. What was your first impression of my blog?
  9. What’s one question you’d like to ask me?
  10. How do you feel about your life right now?

Feel free to leave me as long of a reply as you want. I really enjoy reading whatever you guys have to say. I look forward to your comments!